Thursday, July 16, 2009

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life"

Being optimistic... beleieving in YOURSELF... having faith... strong faith... are some features i admire in People... It motivates me to meet personalities with a Positive Aura.. I see the difference... feel it... and now... wana pass on only this positivity.. :) to all..

“People become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things. When they believe in themselves they have the first secret of success.”

I Believe I can fly... well not in actual... but yes!.. i do believe that i can fly... Touch the sky.. go high... meet my Life!!.. I can do it if i WANT to... if i bElIEvE i Can! what do people do when they feel low??? they pass it on.. to people they meet... i have made a conscious decision... not to! if i cant pass on a smile.. il try atleast not to pass on a nag.. ive recently learnt that there are enough reasons in life that you can be sad about... be grumbling and nagging... but remember... you have to Live as if your were to die tomorrow and Learn as if you were to live forever.

You can be someone who lights up a room with your enthusiasm, energy and encouragement, or you can be a person who makes the room a little brighter when you leave ... how you choose to live from this point on is entirely up to you!!

Tell me something that will inspire me.. tell me something that will make me :) .. Share something that has made you laugh... lets all have a pleasnat heart...

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